Designing a Model of factors effecting on Small and Medium-Sized Business E-Commerce Adoption

حاج‌کریمی حاج‌کریمی؛ عزیزی عزیزی؛ اخوان خرازیان اخوان خرازیان

دوره 16، شماره 27 ، آبان 1388

  E-commerce is globally developing and is as a business fashion. EC adoption results in many benefits. These benefits strengthen every company's motivation toward EC adoption. Small companies because of their vital role in Iran economy can promote system productivity and efficiency. Identifying barrier and facilitators improve manager/owner of small business for planning and decision making. This paper tries to apply e – commerce experts’ viewpoints in presenting a conceptual model for identifying factors effect adopting e- commerce in small business. We design a 43-item questionnaire with Likert ...  بیشتر